While you could write your own, take the easy route and leverage all the hard work the Axis developers already have done. 虽然您可以编写自己的类,但是您可以采用简单的途径,利用Axis开发人员已经做的所有艰辛劳动。
And now there is a theorem which I will not prove, but it's very easy to prove, and that is called the parallel axis theorem. 这个公式,我不会再验证了,但它很容易证明,它称为,平行轴定理。
Numerical calculations show that both the value and direction of stress field affect the direction of easy axis when the applied field and stress field. 结果表明:当外磁场处于应力场所在的平面内时,外应力的大小及方向均会影响薄膜的难易磁化轴方向。
The results show that the maximum of the exchange bias field departs from easy axis with increasing the biquadratic-coupling field or bilinear field. 结果表明:随着双线性耦合场或双二次耦合场的增加,交换偏置场的最大值位置向易轴靠近。
Specially designed actuator mounting blocks allow quick and easy actuator changes, on any axis, at any time. 特别设计的驱动器安装块驱动器可快速,容易变化,在任何轴,在任何时候。
If the magnetization direction of the magnets is originally parallel to x, y-axis respectively, the cellular Nd_2Fe_ ( 14)-B of the zone in the laser melting/ solidification pool has the same arrangement of the easy magnetization axis as the magnets. 结果表明:当磁体的磁化方向分别与x,y轴平行时,其上激光熔凝层中Nd2Fe14B胞柱晶的易磁化轴具有与粉末烧结基体相同的取向;
Each grain in the films is assumed to be spherical in shape, with a single domain and a random crystalline easy axis in the model. 模拟中,假设磁性颗粒为球形、单畴,易轴随机取向。
Effects of directional solidification parameters on the easy axis of rare earth cobalt permanent alloys 定向凝固工艺参数对稀土钴永磁合金易磁化轴的影响
X ray diffraction ( XRD) analysis reveals that degree of easy axis alignment of HD magnet is lower. X射线衍射测试表明HD磁体易磁化轴的取向度较低。
On the as-cast samples, the column-like crystals with easy axis perpendicular to one another are clearly characterized by their different domain patterns. 在铸态样品表面清楚地观察到了易磁化轴互相垂直的柱状晶表面的两类磁畴图型。
The easy axis perpendicular to the plane of incidence. 最可及取向轴垂直于入射面。
These results illuminated that, in micron order magnetic film systems such as magnetic random access memory, the shape and the tilt of crystal easy axis are important for determining the switch field of the film. 这些结果说明在诸如磁性随机存储器等基于微细磁性薄膜的工作中,薄膜形状及其磁晶易磁化轴的角度不容忽略。
It is easy to compress for all optical elements on one axis. 所有光学元件置于一个系统光轴上,易子集成。
The experimental results indicate that the crystal growth can be obtained with the orientation along their easy magnetic axis at a higher temperature far above the Curie point in a relative weak magnetic field by controlling the solidification rate. 结合对凝固速率的控制,在远高于居里点的高温熔体中,磁性材料的晶体生长沿易轴的取向可在较弱的磁场中实现。
With increasing array density, the dipolar interactions increase and the easy axis is tuned from parallel to perpendicular to the wire axis. 随着纳米线阵列密度的增加,线间的偶极相互作用增加,使得纳米线易磁化方向从平行于纳米线方向渐趋向于垂直于纳米线的平面内。
The easy magnetization axis lies in the surface of film. 平行膜面方向为易磁化方向。
While in LCMO/ STO films the magnetic easy axis is along [ 110] direction, in LCMO/ LAO films [ 001] direction is easier, dominated by the misfit strain induced magnetoelastic anisotropy. LCMO/STO薄膜的易轴沿[110]晶向,而LCMO/LAO薄膜因晶格失配应变引起的磁致弹性各向异性作用,它的[001]晶向要更易一些。
For FeNi-FeCo film, the easy axis coercivity of FeNi-FeCo film prepared by co-sputtering is less than the easy axis coercivity of FeNi film, with the increase of the tilt angle, the anisotropy field increase. 对FeNi-FeCo薄膜,共溅射的FeNi-FeCo薄膜其易轴矫顽力小于纯FeNi薄膜的,各向异性场随着倾斜角度的增加而增大。
For FeCo film, with the increase of the tilt angle, the anisotropy field and easy axis coercivity increase, the hard axis coercivity is a little large. 4. 对纯FeCo薄膜,各向异性场和易轴矫顽力随着倾斜角度的增加而增大,难轴矫顽力很大。
It made a quantitative interpretation on the reasons for the destruction in the easy axis of either the anticline or syncline. Also, it determined the probably destruction scope and made a qualitative analysis on the gas oven or gather situation. 定量的解释了无论是背斜还是向斜,在轴部附近煤层容易破坏的原因,同时确定了破坏发生的大概范围,对煤层中瓦斯的逸散、聚集情况做了出了定性的分析。
The classical electrohydrodynamic convection ( EHC) structures, observed first by Williams and Kapustin, and rolls with a wave vector parallel or slightly oblique to the director easy axis in planar sandwich cells. 由Williams和Kapustin首先观察到的经典电流体动力运流(EHC)结构,其条纹波矢与平面排列液晶盒中的指向矢易取向轴相平行或略成一定角度。